[Vwdiesel] vacuum pump

Scott Alexander salex at dsl.cis.upenn.edu
Sun May 7 12:17:47 EDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 09:03 -0700, Roger Brown wrote:
> Scott Alexander wrote:
> > I have an 82 Rabbit D.  A few months back, while sorting through some
> > brake issues, I noticed that I wasn't getting any vacuum from the vacuum
> > pump.  I got a rebuild kit and replaced various pieces including the
> > diaphragm which had a tear.
> > [snip]
> > 
> > Any suggestions on what to look at when I open the pump again?  Are some
> > rebuild kits better than others?  Is there some other failure which can
> > cause the pump to chew through parts?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Scott Alexander
> > Warren, NJ 
> Pull the pump and open it up.  Either a diaphram that is shot or the check valves in the 
> pump head are gone (likely the latter).  Two different rebuild kits depending on what is 
> wrong.

We definitely replaced the diaphragm last time as it had the rip.  I
believe we used the new check valves as well.  (I'd bought both kits as
they weren't all that expensive and we were borrowing a shop overnight
so wouldn't have a chance to leave the car sit until the parts arrived.)
That's why I'm wondering if there might be something that I overlooked
which would cause another failure so quickly after the last "rebuild".


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