[Vwdiesel] strut cartridge replacement

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun May 7 21:36:42 EDT 2006

In a message dated 5/7/2006 6:27:22 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
db53248 at alltel.net writes:

> When replacing strut cartridges is it necessary to put some oil into the
> tube before putting the cartridge in? 

  Yes and no.  You don't HAVE to but doing so will certainly help cool 
the strut by a bunch.  It might fail prematurely if you don't and it might 
not, depending on your roads, etc.

> The new cartridge on the rider's side feels tight in
> the tube but the closure nut is not bottomed against the tube (It is about
> 1/8" from touching). Is this OK?

  Not really.  If the nut doesn't hold the cartridge tight vertically then it 
wop up and down.  Upper strut bearings on mid to later Rabbits, etc have 
a bushing/spacer just under the nut and washer that can be a little long, 
causing a rattle or clunk also.  Good chance your clunk is the cartridge 
moving in the strut housing.  I've rarely put in any that just go in and are 
tight.  The KYB's that were in Dad's PU had spacers they came with that 
took up the gap.  The Boges I put in the Rabbit wouldn't work at all until 
I had a lathe take a couple dozen thou out of the inside of the original 
cap/nut.  Rarely have the replacement nuts worked for me!

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