[Vwdiesel] WSJ article on Diesel

Dan Sloan dsloan at DRAKE.EDU
Tue May 9 10:01:05 EDT 2006

The Wall Street Journal had an article " Diesel Fuel Powers Up for Comeback"
this morning.

The author test drove a Chrysler 300CRD sedan, and got 28mpg in comparison
to the 22mpg gas model.  Author also noted that VW's US sales were 11.8%
diesel in 2004, and 14% in 2005.  He noted that VW hasn't outfitted its 2007
models with technology to meet the new clean air standards and are likely to
take a hit in sales...also that the 2008 models will offer diesel in all
mainstream models, including a "new" model: the Rabbit. 

I'm just wondering how its going to differ from the Golf.  Economy model?

-- Dan

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