[Vwdiesel] Diesel secret energy web site??

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Thu May 11 20:49:01 EDT 2006

Here's a 170 post discussion about DSE at biodiessel.infopop.cc


Here's a similar discussion at the biodieselnow.com forums (with a link
to the previous thread):


Here's the paper from U of ID saying over 20% unheated blends have
negative long-term coking issues.  (new research shows as little as 2.5%
blends show slight coking)


direct lnk at:

I believe the unheated DSE blend is something like:

85% filtered liquid veggie oil
10% kerosene
5% gasoline 
plus the secret xylene additive.

On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 13:04 -0700, paul lew wrote:
> Hi all
>   Has anyone tried this ,or know anyone that has ?
>   Sounds too easy, but I was sceptical about biodiesel origionally too, and was impressed by that.
>   http://www.dieselsecret.com
>   Paul
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