[Vwdiesel] supercharging your diesel

B & R Decker bdecker001 at centurytel.net
Mon May 15 02:30:16 EDT 2006

Hi Evan;
	Have you ever put a turbo setup on a VW 1600 N/A diesel? I have and
it works!!! The weak point of a VW diesel, is the alloy head which warps
easily if you get it too hot and then it blows a head gasket. The bottom
ends are basically bullet proof. Usually the only reason the bottom end goes
is that the head gasket blows and without coolant the bottom end fries. I
ran many thousands of miles on a previous VW Rabbit pickup which had a Jetta
turbo setup on an N/A block and head. I sold it since someone else wanted to
pay me more money than I thought it was worth to me. I did take a few
precautions when I built the engine like a thermostat controlled oil cooler,
Raceware head studs, Evans waterless coolant and most importantly a
pyrometer to keep track of the exhaust gas temperature. If you keep the EGT
in hand you shouldn't hurt the motor.
	I plan to start next week on installing a BAE turbo setup on my
present 1981 VW Rabbit 1600 N/A diesel pickup. I will of course install a
pyrometer along with a big thermostat controlled oil cooler and an
intercooler. I hope to crank this engine up till I get well above the 70 +
horses that the normal 1600 Jetta turbo gives.
Brian Decker

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
Behalf Of Evan O'Brien
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 4:49 PM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] supercharging your diesel

if you want any real performance increase with a diesel VW, you can either 
get a turbo diesel engine or not. period. if you buy a quickie fix for 
performance it will not work and only bring you frustration. if you try to 
turbocharge a non turbo-diesel motor, you will end up destroying said 
engine. good luck.

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