[Vwdiesel] Calling all cars

Libbybapa at wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Mon May 15 21:37:23 EDT 2006

In a message dated 5/15/06 4:39:42 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
vezco at cogeco.ca writes:

> I am asking everyone here in this group to speak to the subject of the
> nefarious crank bolt. If anyone has documentation or anecdotal input to this
> topic, please post to this group as there may be a basis for a class action.

I have never had a 1.9TD and so all that follows is hearsay.  So the crank 
nose and sprocket on the 1.9TD is the same as the 1.6TD, but pulleys were 
changed along with the serpentine belt setup.  The setup had a tendency to 
eventually wear out either the crank bolt or the keyway of the sprocket.  The "fix" is 
to replace the crank sprocket with one from a TDI whick instead of the puny 
key has a "D" shape to it.  This requires that the crank be machined to accept 
the newer sprocket.  My understanding is that the older version always fails 
eventually, and that the newer version does not.  I can't understand how you can 
hold a car manufacturer responsible for a problem after 200,000+ miles.  
Possibly your mechanic for not reengineering what was a slightly better than 
mediocre original design, but not the original manufacturer?  200,000 is more than 
can be rationally expected.  When it failed the second time it wasn't the 
original manufacturer that caused it to.  



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