[Vwdiesel] somebodys smoking RE: ULSD effect on injector pump... :o{

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Nov 1 23:10:34 EST 2006

In a message dated 11/1/2006 7:39:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
bdecker001 at centurytel.net writes:

>       This is my take on the subject and I could be wrong but I would
> have to see the results on a dyno with a stock Bosch pump and then with the
> Giles rebuilt Bosch pump timed the same to believe anything other than what
> I said in the first place. " Somebodys Smoking"

  I concur.  I've done a LOT to my Rabbit engine and to Dad's TD 
in the pickup up to ceramic coating the prechambers and piston 
tops.  I'd say I've picked up 10 to 15 hp (seat of the pants dyno) 
tops.  Enough it's noticeable but just marginally really good for 
an NA.  Dad's pickup probably similar but they start out with 64 
hp I believe.  A slightly dirty air filter makes my Rabbit noticeably 
slow down ( just a couple mph) on one particular hill.  More fuel 
won't do a thing to help but more air first does.  Perhaps altering 
timing might help but timing and fueling is about all you can do unless 
you start changing pump pressures, which ultimately changes pump 
timing I believe.

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