[Vwdiesel] ULSD effect on injector pump... :o{
Terry Briggs
vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Thu Nov 2 00:16:28 EST 2006
I tend to agree with James, the effect of ULSD couldn't be any worse
than running bio through our diesels, They tell us that we needed the
viton rings and seals or our pumps would fail, I'm not sure, but I do
think I read someplace that VW used viton early on in their
development, at least the early to mid '80's due to the european market
already using bio diesel. I really see no issues if this is the case. I
could very well be hype to get the die hard diesel guys, namely us and
the truck crowd, to spend tons of money on new or rebuilt ip's.
Incidently, viton is a very good compound, we almost exclusively use
viton on all o-ring seals, the stuff is near indestructable with a life
span beyond most things it's used with. Really, how many documented ip
failures has there really been with VW since we started to seriously
use bio ? I'm sure some of you have that info, but I've never heard of
a documented case. This too shall pass I believe.
On Oct 31, 2006, at 11:15 PM, James Hansen wrote:
> I dunno.
> I have my doubts that this is completely on the level.
> Aromatic hydrocarbons are those built around a 5 carbon ring (benzene,
> which defines it as an aromatic hydrocarbon). Altering the "aromatic
> chain" effectively alters what it is, as in how many carbons per
> molecule. Whole purpose of refining is to vacuum distill to separate
> the various lengths of carbon chains, then recombine to make your blend
> as fuel. the posted explanation you are seeing just doesn't make
> sense.
> I could see a reason as being some goofy additive they are using,
> but... I dunno. Buna-n seals are common, but they fail when exposed to
> methanol and bio-d eventually, and some other stuff, because it is
> absorbed by the material and it eventually fails. Viton is a different
> composition that resists most stuff. this just seems to maybe be a
> more
> of a cover your ass statement rather than an explanation of anything.
> -James
> Sandy Cameron wrote:
>> At 06:53 AM 31/10/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>>> My injector pump is now leaking / weeping, and I'm weeping too.
>>> (315K
>> km on '91 Jetta TD with MF engine, using Stanadyne / 2stroke oil in
>> 50/50
>> ratio forever).
>>> I have talked to a couple of diesel pump rebuilders and the
>>> dealership,
>> and they are all blaming the ULSD diesel. They all have the same
>> one-page
>> notice displayed. Says that conditioners such as Stanadyne can
>> replace the
>> lubricity lost in the refiining, but that the aromatic chains
>> (whatever the
>> heck those are!) are altered, no conditioner can fix this, and pumps
>> may
>> leak as a result.
>> One quart 2-stroke to a tank full should do it
>> Last July, I was on a 1000 mile road trip and ran in to ULSD in NW
>> Ontario.
>> On the way home, around Sudbury, i srang leaks at ne of the line
>> couplings
>> where it fastens to the check valve on the pump, and around the
>> timing plug
>> Slacked each off, and retightened (using backup wrenches) and no more
>> problems.
>> No gasket / Oring problems yet. A 94-A3, 1.9.
>> Sandy
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