[Vwdiesel] 2-stroke oil as diesel additive

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Sat Nov 4 18:32:05 EST 2006

At 07:26 AM 04/11/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>In the wake of the recent discussion of ULSD, I'm seriously thinking of 
>adding some 2-stroke oil to the fuel tank--IIRC, Sandy Cameron 
>suggested this. If I were actually looking to lubricate a 2-stroke 
>engine, I'd want a major-brand 2-stroke oil, such as Castrol. For what 
>I have in mind, does the quality of the oil matter?

THe CW3 or is it wc3, is better than many generic brands, (low ash) 
but since it is only going through the engine once, I think any 2 stroke
would work. I have used generic without trouble, and since I am still
running 50% veggie, I have not been using 2 stroke.
Will probably go back to 2/ when the weather gets really cold, and I have to
get out off veggie for the winter.


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