[Vwdiesel] Any way to peek into the engine cylinders?

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Sat Nov 11 05:36:42 EST 2006


The classic tool is a borescope.  Most aviation mechanic shops have
them.  My guess is that many well-tooled autoshops will have them.
With fiberoptics being rather low cost these days, they are within
the shady tree mechanics range.  (2 to 4 C notes)

They aren't as useful in looking at sludge in crankcases, but on
an IDI VW you can pull the injector, and feed the fiberoptic down
into the cylinder.  In 1979, I borrowed one from work, and looked
into a 78 diesel rabbit engine to see if I could see how much ridge 
there was on the cylinders, etc.  Just kinda curious.  You'll be 
able to look around, and see deposits on the cylinder head, the 
hone marks on the cylinder walls, etc.

Get one, and we can swap when you want to use my freon sniffer.


> Long story short, I was wondering if there is any way
> to peek inside the engine to see if there are all
> kinds of deposits forming or if it is staying pretty
> clean.  I thought of pulling an injector, but don't
> think that would work because it is injected into the
> prechamber, right?  What about a glow plug?
> I'm not yet curious enough to waste a perfectly good
> and not too old head gasket.
> Is there something I haven't thought of?
> Thanks,
> David
> David Cook
> Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
> Red '90 g60 Corrado 
> Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
> and others in various states of disrepair
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