[Vwdiesel] '84 Quantum: wiper linkage adrift again
Andrew Buc
AndrewBuc at staxman.net
Sun Nov 12 10:44:01 EST 2006
On Saturday, November 11, 2006, at 11:00 PM, James Hansen wrote:
> If it's the nut, most likely it's a case of proper use of loctite,
> versus the just splosh it on and it doesn't work techique. Not to
> criticise you man, but I've seen journeyman mechs use it wrong. To
> apply, you should use a cleaner to ensure that the threads you are
> applying the loctite to are impeccably clean, totally absent of
> grease, oil, etc, anything that would serve as a release agent. a
> primer is available to finish the job of cleaning and also accelerates
> the curing time, but it isn't necessary.
> Same goes for the nut. CLean clean clean. degrease, electronic
> contact cleaner, carb cleaner, etc...
I just sploshed it on, no cleaner. I'll try using the cleaner this time.
> The idea behind heat is that it turns cured loctite back into a
> liquid. Done correctly, the light grade of blue threadlocker should
> provide sufficient locking force while being able to be broken loose
> with a hand wrench without heat. Red stuff turns off the fastener. A
> propane torch or heatgun, or even a lighter is sufficient heat on
> small fasteners.
My concern here is that the fastener is buried enough that it would be
hard to get in there to apply heat.
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