[Vwdiesel] FF transmission swap

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Nov 13 02:32:20 EST 2006

In a message dated 11/12/2006 11:27:47 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
cturn at netscape.ca writes:

> Gee whiz, could I already have the solution to my  
> own problem? Is there any problem swapping a 1980 transmission into  
> 1991, like flange sizes, etc?

  Inner flanges are probably 100mm instead of 90mm.  Otherwise 
It'll bolt up if all the needed mounting bolts, holes, threads are 
  You'll gain a drop in rpm of roughly 200 rpm if you're running an 
ACH or similar right now.  More if it has a lower final.

> On another matter, the Golf has started to act up lately - losing  
> power momentarily in 5th gear. Shifting into 4th, it picks right up  
> again. It never stalls. Could this be the solenoid acting up -  
> electrical connection? Or something dreadful?

  Tis the season to check your fuel filters???  Fixed one list car 
so far!  ;-)

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