[Vwdiesel] Alternator bracket mods

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Mon Nov 13 13:41:44 EST 2006

MWoodland at Dentsply.com wrote:
> After an ongoing struggle with the alternator belt on my 91 NA, I tried new
> HD  "Gatorback" belts for both the AC and alt.
> They must be slightly bigger than stock, because with the AC belt tensioned
> correctly, the idler for the alt belt goes to the end of its adjustment
> without getting the belt tight enough.
> Has anyone modified their Alternator brackets to accept a wider range of
> commercially available belts, and if so, how?
> Thanks,
> Mark

You might consider a slightly shorter belt.  Look at the number on the back of the belt, should be 
something like 17AVxxx where "xxx" is the length in mm.  Take the belt to a real auto parts store 
(not one of the chains) and ask them what they have in a slight shorter belt.  I had to do this on 
my Toyota when I installed a new alternator.  I needed something longer so went from an 890mm to a 
915mm belt:

I carry a spare belt or two with me, since if I need to replace one on the road, not likely to find 
one off the shelf in the middle of no where.


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