[Vwdiesel] TDC, pressure plate and flywheel

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Nov 15 22:53:18 EST 2006

In a message dated 11/15/2006 7:22:44 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
mpteleski at yahoo.com writes:

> I know that the flywheel can only be mounted in ONE
> unique position, and assume that the pressure plate
> (where the timing mark is!) is the same (one unique
> position), right? I could swear that (late last night)
> i found that the pressure plate could go on any of
> three ways.  I need to go back out there and verify
> what I did was correct by measuring the distances
> between flywheel alignment pins.  
 On a Rabbit (or its transverse siblings) it's actually
 the pressure plate that goes on one way (to the crank) 
and come to think of it, if alignment pins are missing at all 
(or maybe it can happen anyway) the flywheel can bolt up 
to the pp in one of two or three locations!  I keep thinking 
it can't if they're all where/how they should be because I've 
never bolted one up wrong.  I'd do it too if it was that easy!

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