[Vwdiesel] HELP - WHEEL FELL OFF !!!

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Nov 17 01:03:07 EST 2006

Comments interspersed.

Rolf Pechukas wrote:
> UPDATE - 2006.11.14
> well, here I am, back in the shop again
> Tuesday evening
> drove 400 miles over the weekend - listening to the tranny
> brought it back to change tranny oil and repair the weld
> welder tried to repair his weld, but apparently it still leaks, and  
> maybe worse than before
> guys are waiting now for their second epoxy fix to harden so they can  
> fill tranny case again

I told you that you cannot weld aluminum with oil on one side.  It has 
to be CLEAN, sheep dipped, dishwashered, whatever.  on aluminum 
castings, oil seeps out of the pores in the metal, you have to bust your 
butt to get it clean enough to weld, then preheat with a tig to drive 
the remaining oil out, wire brush it with a stainless steel wire brush, 
and set about welding, then it STILL oozes out of the casting.  I detest 
welding aluminum castings.

> meanwhile, they replaced 2 of the failed ball joint boots with larger  
> aftermarket universal boots that they filled with grease
> no idea if this is a good idea

Better than the ones that had holes in them.

> the upper BJ on the passenger's side is lifting up, too
> they said they'll fix that one too, but they can't keep 'giving me  
> stuff - this has to be the end of it'
> meanwhile,
> - the repair of the hole in the tranny, which happened b/c they  
> didn't check stubby on initial repair, leaks; they are fixing it with  
> glue (!)
> - the brand new ball joints, which they had to take in and out twice  
> now b/c they didn't do initial repair right, have ripped boots -  
> their repairs of the boots may or not be kosher

Sure, because the dumbasses are using a pickle fork to remove the 
balljoints.  You can't get a ball joint out with a pickle fork WITHOUT 
tearing the boot, unless you are really paying attention, and even then 
it rips every now and again.
I race stock cars Rolf.  I've had the front end apart on mine at least 
fifteen times this season without ever using a pickle fork on a ball 
joint so don't ever let them tell you it has to be done that way.
I'm not sure which word to use.  Incompetent or lazy. Both work equally 

> - the tranny is definitely whining in a way I never heard before, and  
> I am getting nervous it'll fail, or fail after the 30 day warranty  
> they are supposedly giving me

Well, sure it will.  It ran dry twice, most likely has a chip on at 
least one tooth on the gearset from spitting out the chunk off the 
splined shaft, and has welder boogers spit inside the case by a guy 
welding on it... in addition the two case half bearings are no longer in 
line from being welded on in situ with three times the normal heat you 
need, because OIL keeps coming through the weld during the welding 
process, and he has had to try to burn it away as he was welding, which 
never works... as evidenced by the current leak.  They would have been 
way better off to screw on an aluminum plate, and seal it with jb weld 
rather than try to weld it.  THAT would have worked.

> - I have no confidence in the tranny, the BJs, or even the stubby w/  
> new clip they put in
> I am out $800 in labor alone
> these guys say this is the 'end of it'
> but all the potential issues I am facing are entirely a result of  
> their botched initial repair

Best start looking for a used transmission.
Those BJ's better have been really good.
It might even be word weasel time...

> let this be one final lesson to me, yet again:
> NEVER let anyone work on your rig, EVER, except for you
> end transmission (so to speak)

No kidding.

What year and trans code Rolf?  I'll have make a phone call or two and 
see if there is anything available around here for reasonable.

Other listees:
Maybe do the same if you have a decent recycler around your area.  Lets 
see if we can find a decent price on one for Rolf.  He's been screwed 

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