[Vwdiesel] HELP - WHEEL FELL OFF !!!

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Sun Nov 19 11:44:00 EST 2006

> Rolf Pechukas wrote:
>>> welder tried to repair his weld, but apparently it still leaks,
>>> and maybe worse than before. Guys are waiting now for their second
>>> epoxy fix to harden so they can fill tranny case again.
> Epoxy is a poor choice for an oil pan or transmission because it  
> softens
> at high temperatures, and then will crack. The slightest crack will  
> then
> let oil leak out.
> When I broke my oil pan, I had it removed from the van and then  
> took it
> to a company that specialized in aluminum welding. They did a  
> marvelous
> job, even smoothing the bead so it hardly looks any different than
> stock. No leaks at all.
> -- Lee Hart

anyone have any recommendations for goop to use when/if this epoxy  
I know epoxy has poor high-temp performance - told the garage guys  
that - another time they didn't listen

I think doing a proper weld is something I'd rather avoid until/ 
unless the tranny needs a rebuild
then I can dip the case and do it right
in the meantime I want to limp along somehow
any suggestions welcome

Rolf in MA

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