[Vwdiesel] HELP - WHEEL FELL OFF !!!
petersenrudy at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 19 14:59:31 EST 2006
There is another product which may be made by the Marine Tex people called
Splash Zone, it is similar to Marine Tex but will harden under water. I've
used it in a number of marine applications.
-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
Behalf Of James Hansen
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 11:39 AM
To: Rolf Pechukas
Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] HELP - WHEEL FELL OFF !!!
JB weld, but that's a bit runny, it sticks to aluminum, but since it's a
mechanical bond, you have to roughen the aluminum with any glue, like at 60
grit or so.
A very god product is a Devcon product called Magic Bond and another that
has more metal filler in the mix, I forget the name.
Final clean with isopropal alcohol, thin with same if necessary.
It woudl hold for a loooong time ROlf.
Rolf Pechukas wrote:
>> Rolf Pechukas wrote:
>>>> welder tried to repair his weld, but apparently it still leaks, and
>>>> maybe worse than before. Guys are waiting now for their second
>>>> epoxy fix to harden so they can fill tranny case again.
>> Epoxy is a poor choice for an oil pan or transmission because it
>> softens at high temperatures, and then will crack. The slightest
>> crack will then let oil leak out.
>> When I broke my oil pan, I had it removed from the van and then took
>> it to a company that specialized in aluminum welding. They did a
>> marvelous job, even smoothing the bead so it hardly looks any
>> different than stock. No leaks at all.
>> -- Lee Hart
> anyone have any recommendations for goop to use when/if this epoxy
> fails?
> I know epoxy has poor high-temp performance - told the garage guys
> that - another time they didn't listen
> I think doing a proper weld is something I'd rather avoid until/
> unless the tranny needs a rebuild then I can dip the case and do it
> right in the meantime I want to limp along somehow any suggestions
> welcome
> Rolf in MA
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