[Vwdiesel] Gauging interest

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Thu Nov 23 12:34:04 EST 2006

Sounds like a great project converting an old air cooled to a diesel, 
too bad your in the UK, I'd be interested in buying a converted 
On Nov 23, 2006, at 11:35 AM, Kurt Nolte wrote:

> Just a really quick interest-gauging e-mail: I have a '71 Squareback
> that needs to go. Presently it's 1600 gas, with all the parts for a
> fuel-injection system minus sensors, and an automatic transmission.
> Would anyone here be interested if I made it a 1.6l diesel or
> turbodiesel and put a manual transmission in it? Price would probably 
> be
> ~$1800, the car needs a little interior work so I'd be quite 
> negotiable.
> I'd really like to get it out of here before the winter is up,
> preferably by driving it but I'd sell it as parts as well.
> Any interest?
> -Kurt
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Third Wheel engineering
Custom Design and Fabrication
2576 King Circle
Corning, New York 14830
Vbriggs at stny.rr.com

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