[Vwdiesel] Diesel Squareback talk

Kurt Nolte syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Nov 29 11:25:31 EST 2006

Actually, yeah, I'd love a '66... but the "patient" buy is on a budget. 
So we'd have to talk price... Also looking at getting a cheap-arsed '69 
that's really only good for cutting up, to use for parts in a "raised 
rear deck" version of the conversion. I like the idea of a mini tool 
cabinet in the back end, out of sight but there when you need it.

So that's where you are, Kansas? Should come down to the southeast, 
we're still in the 60s and 70s for /overnight/ temperatures. ;)


David Cook wrote:
> Kurt, Kurt, Kurt...
> You don't want a '68, what with the newer body style
> and less character than a '66...
> And I know of just the source for a great '66 project!
>  Just throw in some new floor pans and it is
> practically ready for paint!  LOL
> Although I am 1100 miles away from you, it just got
> real cold in Kansas and I love a good road trip!  I'm
> planning on possibly going out to Colorado this
> weekend for a very long distance beer run!
> <http://www.dambrewery.com/>
> I'm going home to work on my dad's TDI Passat
> tomorrow, broke a shift cable.  I'll try to get a shot
> or two of my '66.
> Really though, be sure to keep us updated on your
> progress.  I know that more than one or two of us are
> interested.
> David
> --- Kurt Nolte <syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Well, the project might be a go... I've found a '68
>> square that's sans 
>> engine that's only ~350 miles away from me and is
>> under $500. Would need 
>> plenty of work; some rust holes in the rockers and
>> floors, apparently, 
>> and it seems to be in pieces in some places, but...
>> if the rear subframe 
>> is solid and the rest can be fixed, we're in good
>> shape. Just need to 
>> get rid of the '71 so I'll have room... Any of you
>> guys near Valdosta 
>> Georgia?
>> Any takers? ;)
>> -Kurt
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> David Cook
> Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
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> and others in various states of disrepair
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