[Vwdiesel] leaky injector, stuttering performance

Chris Jude vegbenz300 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 11:49:11 EST 2006

A couple of problems came up this morning in the cold weather commute, and
my girlfriend ended up having to drive the car back home.
I noticed on Monday that the steel line to injector #2 had a pinhole in it
and was leaking under pressure.  Fuel had pooled up around the #1 injector
and there were bubbles around the seat of the injector at the block.
We're burning biodiesel, blended with some diesel (about B60, should be fine
for our 25-30degF weather).
I'm meaning to fix the injector line by brazing it (this is the second line
that's done this, the last one was when i bought it, and it was brazed
successfully last spring, why would these lines be failing like this?? i
haven't even touched them!)

So, on the way to work the car was getting sluggish, after being fully
warmed up, and it would seem like the filter was clogging.  Then it would
regain power, etc...  on the power loss the car was idling rough, shaking
the car.

Now, I realize t hat there could be several things going on here.  Could be
a clogged fuel filter, gelled fuel, the leaky line, what worries me is the
rough idle, and the air at the #1 injector.   Do these come loose?

Well thanks for any advice

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