[Vwdiesel] 93 VW Eurovan IP problems ??

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 29 15:54:29 EST 2006

Great new Rolf, we VW people are VERY patient and
persistent people, aren't we.

Others would give up long before this and have more
money in their pocket as well, but not a happy grin
for being one with the car, vanagon or caddy.

--- Rolf Pechukas <rbp at 4u2bu.org> wrote:

> > Rolf,
> > Okay, so what was the solution?
> > Bill
> >
> >> On 25-Nov-06, at 3:40 PM, Rolf Pechukas wrote:
> >>> UPDATE:
> >>> now have good 12.5v TO GP power bus
> Bill et all:
> getting full power to GP circuit was just cleaning
> connections
> the real problem turned out to be that my Pollak
> fuel switching valve  
> had failed, and apparently was stuck between tanks
> so I was running a starving blend of veggie and
> diesel at all times
> not getting adequate fuel, and trying to start up on
> cold veggie
> replaced the Pollak w/ 2 separate manual brass
> switching valves (had  
> been planning to do that for a long time anyway)
> now my EV running better than ever, using less DSL,
> feeling peppier
> details here:
> my transmission is, thankfully, still OK
> thanks for asking
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