[Vwdiesel] front hydraulic motor mount
Marvin Jansen
marvinjansen50 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 22:26:27 EDT 2006
I have a bad front motor mount on my 86 Jetta. Is the original
hydraulic mount any better than the solid one availale on ebay for
On 10/1/06, vwdiesel-request at vwfans.com <vwdiesel-request at vwfans.com> wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. What? Head Gasket Okay!? (William Longyard)
> 2. Re: What? Head Gasket Okay!? (LBaird119 at aol.com)
> 3. Re: What? Head Gasket Okay!? (James Hansen)
> 4. Re: What? Head Gasket Okay!? (William Longyard)
> 5. Re: What? Head Gasket Okay!? (LBaird119 at aol.com)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "William Longyard" <longyard at ix.netcom.com>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 19:58:12 -0500
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] What? Head Gasket Okay!?
> Please help me understand what happened:
> I just bought an 81 caddy 1.6 na. Driving it home 600 miles and after about
> 300 suddenly I smell antifreeze, the car slows down gradually to 55 and I
> pull over. Opening the hood I see the overflow tank bubbling like mad, and
> I THINK I see a bit of oil coming out from the back side of the head. My
> assumption was blown head gasket.
> I finally got the head off tonight and I can find NO crack or gap in the
> head gasket. I did notice that only three of the head bolts were on super
> tight. Another four were on very snug and three were easy to get off.
> Looking down into the bores I found that number two cylinder has a slight
> rounded gouged area on the firewall side of it, and the bore itself is
> smeared with some aluminum. The rest of the bore seems to have some white
> crystal substance sprinkled around it.
> Please tell me what to do next, and what caused this! I'm sure I'm into a
> new piston, and rings for No. 2, but what other damage may be done?
> Thanks for any help.
> Bill Longyard
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: LBaird119 at aol.com
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 00:26:48 EDT
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] What? Head Gasket Okay!?
> In a message dated 9/30/2006 9:17:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> longyard at ix.netcom.com writes:
> > I just bought an 81 caddy 1.6 na. Driving it home 600 miles and after
> > about
> > 300 suddenly I smell antifreeze, the car slows down gradually to 55 and I
> > pull over. Opening the hood I see the overflow tank bubbling like mad, and
> > I THINK I see a bit of oil coming out from the back side of the head. My
> > assumption was blown head gasket.
> The oil could easily be, and probably is from the valve cover
> gasket. Boiling over could be caused from a blown head gasket,
> low coolant or a stuck thermostat (or too high a temp thermostat
> with little or no anti-freeze in the mix.)
> >
> > I finally got the head off tonight and I can find NO crack or gap in the
> > head gasket. I did notice that only three of the head bolts were on super
> > tight. Another four were on very snug and three were easy to get off.
> I've only ever seen one you could call cracked. A piece was
> missing. It's a pretty subtle thing to read. Somewhere I have
> pics with arrows to help know what to look for. The rings around
> the bores should be shiny on each side. The leaks will be where
> it's dull or blackish. More obvious than that usually results from a
> REALLY blown gasket.
> >
> > Looking down into the bores I found that number two cylinder has a slight
> > rounded gouged area on the firewall side of it, and the bore itself is
> > smeared with some aluminum. The rest of the bore seems to have some white
> > crystal substance sprinkled around it.
> Shoulda stopped sooner. :-( Your piston got hot enough it galled
> in the cylinder. The piston would probably run but you'll need to hone
> the bore clean, make sure it's not scratched and the rings are likely
> stuck. All the rings likely lost some of their "springy-ness" and it'd
> use oil even if the bore's not scored.
> Not sure about the white crystals unless it's oxidized aluminum or
> residue from the antifreeze.
> >
> > Please tell me what to do next, and what caused this! I'm sure I'm into a
> > new piston, and rings for No. 2, but what other damage may be done?
> >
> > Thanks for any help.
> > Bill Longyard
> >
> What caused it was continuing to drive it after you smelled
> anti freeze. :-( What caused that could be a leaking hose,
> water pump, cracked reservoir, etc. If the gasket blew first,
> they sometimes do that.
> You'll need to pull the pan and the pistons and inspect what
> you have on the bottom end. Head is almost guaranteed to be
> warped. It'll need surfaced and it's a good time to check the valve
> guides for wear, etc.
> Loren
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net>
> To: William Longyard <longyard at ix.netcom.com>
> Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 22:52:02 -0600
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] What? Head Gasket Okay!?
> sounds like it overheated.
> head warpage can loosen bolts. check the head for flatness. consult
> your manual, it will have specs for that.
> 1981 may have poor coolant flow through rad by this age, might have been
> dosed up with plug-em-all-up rad sealer to get it sold... any number of
> things.
> you're all new to the diesel thing, right?
> Weren't going up a long grade in top gear by any chance, were you?
> -James
> William Longyard wrote:
> > Please help me understand what happened:
> >
> > I just bought an 81 caddy 1.6 na. Driving it home 600 miles and after about
> > 300 suddenly I smell antifreeze, the car slows down gradually to 55 and I
> > pull over. Opening the hood I see the overflow tank bubbling like mad, and
> > I THINK I see a bit of oil coming out from the back side of the head. My
> > assumption was blown head gasket.
> >
> > I finally got the head off tonight and I can find NO crack or gap in the
> > head gasket. I did notice that only three of the head bolts were on super
> > tight. Another four were on very snug and three were easy to get off.
> >
> > Looking down into the bores I found that number two cylinder has a slight
> > rounded gouged area on the firewall side of it, and the bore itself is
> > smeared with some aluminum. The rest of the bore seems to have some white
> > crystal substance sprinkled around it.
> >
> > Please tell me what to do next, and what caused this! I'm sure I'm into a
> > new piston, and rings for No. 2, but what other damage may be done?
> >
> > Thanks for any help.
> > Bill Longyard
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Vwdiesel mailing list
> > Vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/vwdiesel
> >
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "William Longyard" <longyard at ix.netcom.com>
> To: "James Hansen" <jhsg at sasktel.net>
> Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 01:00:24 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] What? Head Gasket Okay!?
> Yes James, I was going up a long grade in top gear, 70mph. Now that I
> examine the head closely, it looks like there's a crack between the intake
> and exhaust valves on the no. 2 cylinder. The edge of the piston is melted
> somewhat.
> I need a head, I think, and a 1.6 na piston, I know.
> Bill Longyard
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James Hansen" <jhsg at sasktel.net>
> To: "William Longyard" <longyard at ix.netcom.com>
> Cc: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] What? Head Gasket Okay!?
> > sounds like it overheated.
> > head warpage can loosen bolts. check the head for flatness. consult your
> > manual, it will have specs for that.
> >
> > 1981 may have poor coolant flow through rad by this age, might have been
> > dosed up with plug-em-all-up rad sealer to get it sold... any number of
> > things.
> > you're all new to the diesel thing, right?
> > Weren't going up a long grade in top gear by any chance, were you?
> > -James
> >
> >
> > William Longyard wrote:
> >> Please help me understand what happened:
> >>
> >> I just bought an 81 caddy 1.6 na. Driving it home 600 miles and after
> >> about 300 suddenly I smell antifreeze, the car slows down gradually to 55
> >> and I pull over. Opening the hood I see the overflow tank bubbling like
> >> mad, and I THINK I see a bit of oil coming out from the back side of the
> >> head. My assumption was blown head gasket.
> >>
> >> I finally got the head off tonight and I can find NO crack or gap in the
> >> head gasket. I did notice that only three of the head bolts were on
> >> super tight. Another four were on very snug and three were easy to get
> >> off.
> >>
> >> Looking down into the bores I found that number two cylinder has a slight
> >> rounded gouged area on the firewall side of it, and the bore itself is
> >> smeared with some aluminum. The rest of the bore seems to have some
> >> white crystal substance sprinkled around it.
> >>
> >> Please tell me what to do next, and what caused this! I'm sure I'm into
> >> a new piston, and rings for No. 2, but what other damage may be done?
> >>
> >> Thanks for any help.
> >> Bill Longyard _______________________________________________
> >> Vwdiesel mailing list
> >> Vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> >> http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/vwdiesel
> >>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: LBaird119 at aol.com
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 11:51:49 EDT
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] What? Head Gasket Okay!?
> In a message dated 10/1/2006 8:37:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> longyard at ix.netcom.com writes:
> > Yes James, I was going up a long grade in top gear, 70mph. Now that I
> > examine the head closely, it looks like there's a crack between the intake
> > and exhaust valves on the no. 2 cylinder. The edge of the piston is melted
> > somewhat.
> >
> > I need a head, I think, and a 1.6 na piston, I know.
> >
> Those cracks are almost always nothing to be concerned about.
> Lightly tap them shut and that's about it. They CAN extend into
> the water jacket and leak but 90% of the time or better they're
> benign. How "melted" is the piston? It's not uncommon to find
> a bit of metal missing from the edge with the swirl trough closest
> to it. A little rough or rounding, although is not ideal it's not really
> detrimental either. Add scoring to it though and it's worth grabbing
> a good used one for it. :-)
> Loren
> _______________________________________________
> Vwdiesel mailing list
> Vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/vwdiesel
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