[Vwdiesel] starter, 91 jetta td

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 15 02:07:30 EDT 2006

Hey Ray-

I have no problem believing that there are plenty of
other VW starters that would fit your engine.  VW
hardly changed engine mounting bolt patterns for
years, so it seems very likely.

However...  The starters fitted to diesel engines are
typically quite a bit larger than ones fitted to a gas
engine.  This is because they have significantly more
compression to overcome as they attempt to crank the
engine over to get it to start.  As I'm typing this, I
wouldn't be surprised if your problem was that your
car was currently using a gas starter!  (or it could
just be a worn out diesel starter)  I know when I was
doing my swap into the cabriolet, there was a
significant size difference between the gas and diesel

If you've got a place that works on starters and
alternators, take it there.  I can get one rebuilt
locally for about $15-20.  You might consider
comparing yours to someone elses diesel starter and
see if they are physically similar in size.  


--- raymond greeley <rgreeley2 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, a starter is what i have narrowed it down to,
> condition: slow cranking, through out the year
>               jumping can help
> I have changed the battery, ground and positve cabes
> I will have the battery checked as i did change an
> alt that was
> was shorting out and may have affected the battery.
> I see from my auto scrap yard guy that many years of
> vw starters up to 03, 
> gas and
> v-6 can swap in, has anyone else used newer model
> starters and is it 
> possible that
> as my mechanic say's i may be able to change out
> brushes
> I have owned this car for 18 months and feel that
> the starter has worked 
> slowly the entire time.
> I can list the vw's that the scrap yard computer
> indicates which starters 
> will swap in.
> thanks in advance for any help. ray
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
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