[Vwdiesel] Oil Pressure Testing on an '84 Bunny

'Bryan K Walton' bryankwalton at machlink.com
Tue Oct 17 08:47:33 EDT 2006

Hi Chris,
	Thanks for the email.  Last night I ordered new pressure
senders and a new relay.  If I don't need the relay, I'll probably
return it.  Plus, I think the sender on the cylinder head is probably
good also, but since it was cheap and I was already paying S/H . . .
	It will be nice to get this all fixed eventually.  Even though
my oil pressure is good, I hate the fact that I have a warning light
flashing and I'm ignoring it.  I fear the day that it turns on 
legitmately and I ignore it thinking it is a false alarm.


On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 09:23:36PM -0500, Chris Geiser wrote:
> Bryan,
> Didn't think of it, but I had the same symptoms as you and it ended up being
> the pressure sensor on the oil filter housing.  This was in the late 80's,
> so took me a while to remember that...
> Anyway - I think you've probably got it figured out.  Scares the s**t out of
> you the first time it happens though!!
> Later,
> Chris

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