[Vwdiesel] Head Gasket
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Sep 1 01:37:23 EDT 2006
They are called Murphy Switchgauges.
A gauge with an adjustable contact point inside that sets off a buzzer,
light, horn, siren. Simple, and effective.
jeremy wrote:
> Is there a devise on the market that you can hook it up pararrel to your water
> gauge so when the water temperature reaches certain danger point it will sound
> the alarm to alert the driver? It would save all these heads/engines and
> unnecessary heartburns.
> --- William J Toensing <toensing at wildblue.net> wrote:
>> I had a blown head gasket on my 1981 Dasher diesel which was unusual. The
>> exaust port had blowen to the outside but I suspect yours is either ingesting
>> coolent into the engine , exausting exaust gas into the cooling system, or
>> both. If you see any black sludge in the cooling system in is a sign of a
>> blowen head gasket. Overheating can cause the head to warp & blow a head
>> gasket. Borrow or buy streight edge to see if the head & or block is warped.
>> As I recall, if it is warped over 5,000 of an inch it should be resurfaced,
>> although if warped too mush, if may not be useable. I am not an expert so if
>> anyone disagrees with me, take their advise, not mine. However, I would think
>> there is a good chance you won't have to overhaul the whole engine, if it was
>> sound before your son overheated it. My stepdaughter did the same to my
>> diesel Rabbit & destroyed the engine.
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