[Vwdiesel] Oil Pressure Warning System on '84 Rabbit
LBaird119 at aol.com
LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Sep 5 22:06:46 EDT 2006
The low pressure switch is in the really low range indeed,
about 4 ish psi. The high one is roughly 20psi.
If you're below 2K rpm, the low one is the switch that
is used. So long as you're above threshold pressure then
the light won't come on from any speed from roughly 2k rpm
to idle.
Once at the higher rpm threshold is achieved or exceeded,
the higher pressure switch comes into play. If your pressure
is over that switches trigger point, at any rpm above ~2k rpm,
then all will be happy. If at any speed above threshold, the
pressure is below the set amount, the light and buzzer will
sound. It will keep buzzing until the rpm drops below roughly
1200rpm AND the lower pressure is still exceeded.
Generally the higher pressure will sound near the rpm threshold
just as the lower pressure switch tends to go off at idle simply due
to engine speed's relationship to oil pressure.
There is INDEED a bypass in the oil system. It's in the pickup
piece of the oil pump and for some unknown reason VW likes 90psi
give or take instead of most domestics in the 40 psi reigon.
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