[Vwdiesel] VW diesel pickup, reply to Bennett, Thomas J

Matt Arant audifans at tumblebug.com
Thu Sep 7 08:54:32 EDT 2006

For diesels on Craigslist, try <http://greasyriders.com/find_diesel/>

On Sep 6, 2006, at 11:41 PM, William J Toensing wrote:

> In looking for a VW diesel pickup or any other old or rare vehicles I 
> recommend a "shotgun" approach, or look several places & be willing to 
> go cross country if you find the vehicle you want. This Blog is one 
> place. Also, look under eBay- VW diesels for sale, Craig's list in 
> nearby or other cities you wish to look for, do a Google search for VW 
> pickups, look in Hemmings Motor News, Old Cars Weekly, your local 
> newspaper. Also, check out some of the other VW sites such as 
> www.tdiclub.com . If there is a VW club active where you live, contact 
> it. Of all the above suggestions I think eBay would be the best & 
> easiest place to look but if you see the right vehicle be prepared to 
> bid high but not more than it is worth & be prepared to go cross 
> country if you find the right vehicle. Also, the rest of you may have 
> ideas I haven't thought of.
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