[Vwdiesel] Waste Vegetable Oil

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Tue Apr 3 10:01:26 EDT 2007

> very good advice.  Would a heated filter from a diesel toyota camry
> work ? I have one, but have never used it.  How would you suggest
> heating injector lines, if thats really needed that is.  Lots of
> questions, so little time.

heated filter from a Camry may work fine for *filter* heating
but you will still need to heat veggie at the tank, in the lines,  
between filter and IP, and if possible at the injector lines themselves
this last is generally done electrically - insulated resistance wire  
running standard 12v through
there are injector heaters available relatively cheaply on the market
it is also possible to make your own
it is also possible to run WVO w/o inj line heaters
I have been doing it for 2 yrs
just getting a good 2-tank coolant-heated system working properly is  
a major undertaking
again, I recommend this site:
lots of great free info there; lots of helpful folks when you get stuck

good luck
Rolf in MA

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