[Vwdiesel] Waste Vegetable Oil

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 3 11:11:16 EDT 2007


Would it be possible for you to post a pic of your
engine compartment?

The only thing I could come up with for fitting a real
two tank system in my Cabriolet was to move the
battery and put a tank in the engine compartment so I
would really love to see how you have it and what
everything looks like.



--- Evans Antoniou <ev32amd at yahoo.ca> wrote:

> Rolf is right on all accounts,
> i have been running my 96 jetta on wvo for the past
> year and with the system i will list has given me no
> problems.
> i live just north of montreal, canada and it get
> very cold here!!  :(
> placed my battery in the trunk and custom veggie
> tank of 30L in the engine bay made out of 3/16
> aluminum. heated tank, copper coil wrap round veggie
> filter, fphe (16 plate, flate plate heat exchanger;
> check ebay), fuel valve, vegtherm (electric veggie
> oil heater), ILH (electric injection line heater;
> from fattywagons.com). i prefer a return to tank
> method over a loop and i purge in  30 seconds.
> i believe heat setup is overkill but better to be
> have more heat available than to risk the IP.
> although i use the ILH more than the vegtherm.
> i collect my oil straight from the fryer not the
> barrel out back from the restaurant. it sits for
> about a month, dewater (heat till 150F which takes
> about 8 hours - slow heat is best), filter through a
> water filter canister of 5 micron but i soon switch
> to 1 micron bags.
> when u have enough heat u dont need to blend.
> never had any problems with this setup.
> hope this helps.
> ps,  Nothing beats the smell of veggie exhaust :) 
> :)
> oh yeah, say good bye to back exhaust and hello to
> no color exhaust.
> evan
> Rolf Pechukas <rbp at 4u2bu.org> wrote: > I have done
> some research on running waste vegetable oil &  
> > apparently there are two schools of thought.  One
> is to start on  
> > regular or biodiesel running the engine's heat
> thru a secondary  
> > heater or heat exchanger in the WVO fuel tank.
> This requires two  
> > separate fuel tanks. With this setup. With this
> setup, you must  
> > switch back to regular diesel to purge the fuel
> lines & injector  
> > pump of WVO, before shutting down. The other setup
> employs a  
> > electrically heated fuel filter & heat tape along
> the fuel line  
> > from the filter to the injection pump & from the
> IP to the  
> > injectors. This permits running your car on only
> WVO.
> > I would like to hear comments on how well the
> second option of  
> > electrically heating the WVO works. From what I
> have read, the  
> > Mercedes 300 diesels from 1979 to 1985 are the
> best for this second  
> > type of option.
> caution on running WVO
> it is not as simple as one might think
> there are a finite number of things that must be
> done right, but you  
> have to do them all right or you may damage your IP,
> injectors, and/ 
> or engine
> there is no way to run 100% WVO heating electrically
> w/o purging  
> injectors
> this will not work
> it IS possible to run a single-tank system - but
> this involves  
> swapping out injectors and sometimes IP for special
> veggie-specific  
> models, generally made by Ellsbett of Germany
> it IS possible to use electric heat in conjunction
> with, or instead  
> of, coolant heat, but that doesn't get you out of
> having to switch  
> over to DSL fuel and purging
> in single-tank (i.e. Ellsbett) conversions, WVO is
> generally blended  
> in some percentage with DSL fuel
> some people run a single-tank w/o modifying
> injectors or IP
> they typically run a blend of WVO and DSL or WVO and
> RUG (Regular  
> Unleaded Gasoline)
> a lot of this depends on how warm it is where you
> live
> in FLorida a lot of people run single-tank blends
> in Minnesota almost no one does
> earlier Mercedes ARE especially tolerant of WVO
> this is because they have inline IPs
> VWs are rotary, but they do pretty well also
> the Lucas/CAV types are very fragile running WVO
> (Dodge? Ford? not  
> too familiar w/ these)
> but to run WVO successfully and long-term
> trouble-free in 90% of the  
> US you'll want a 2-tank system
> it is entirely possible to design and build your own
> conversion - you  
> do not have to buy a kit
> but you do have to know what you are trying to do
> for example, heating just the VO tank is inadequate
> in fact, you don't need much heat to the tank itself
> just enough to keep it liquid
> you need a little more heat to lines running from
> tank to eng bay,  
> even more heat at the filter and before the IP, and,
> if possible,  
> even more heat at the injector lines right before
> the injectors
> this is not rocket science, but it is WVO conversion
> science
> anyone dedicated to doing it properly with a decent
> set of skills and  
> tools can do this, but expect it to take a while to
> get right (i.e. a  
> year or so to work out every last little kink and
> get it running  
> really right)
> OR, you can just pour a little PROPERLY FILTERED AND
> with your DSL
> but not more than 20%, and then only in the summer
> (unless you live  
> somewhere hot)
> 5% max in the winter
> my 2¢
> peace out
> Rolf in MA
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
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