[Vwdiesel] waterpump removal advice requested

R. Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Fri Apr 13 00:14:35 EDT 2007

raymond greeley wrote:
> Hello All, the pump failed in january and i parked the car. Now chicago is a litlle warmer and I am at it.
> Archives referred me to a site at 4crawler where the thread recommends taking the complete 
> waterpump housing off getting at the upper two ac bracket bolts using an obstruction wrench
> for the left hand and a "s" wrench for the right.
> My question: from those who have completed this repair,. is there a tool supplier that 
> seems to work better that others ( better bend,. size, etc)
> Also, Is there a source for pumps that works out better. Autozone has one with
> brass fins. I would normaly go to autohaus, though here i feel the need to match
> up parts and fit. 
> I long to have my vw back. My back up is a gasser thats running rich, yuk!
> ray
> _________________________________________________________________

You can see the tool brand I used in the photo on my web page:

CE Tools was what my local tool house carried, looked like a generic 
"Made In China/Taiwan" tool, most anything in that general shape would 
probably work.



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