[Vwdiesel] waterpump removal advice requested

Chuck Carnohan Chuck.Carnohan at itd.idaho.gov
Fri Apr 13 10:48:34 EDT 2007

Though I respect Roger and his site greatly I'm not quite in agreement with him on this particular cheap trick. I say lock down the IP remove the intermediate pulley and go for the wasserpumpen. All the fooling around with bent wrenches and hoping that that nothing 10mm is seized isn't worth the trouble. If you are careful and don't bump anything around too much the timing belt goes right back where it was and the job is a piece of cake. So far as where you buy the pump- if the pump at autozone looks to be of good quality and isn't from Japan (no lie, I bought one from AutoZone from Japan that didn't last a year!) it is nice on these pumps to be able to compare and make sure you are getting the right one. www.stopshopanddrive is also a good source online. 

Chuck Carnohan

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On Behalf Of raymond greeley
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:57 PM
To: Vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] waterpump removal advice requested

Hello All, the pump failed in january and i parked the car. Now chicago is a litlle warmer and I am at it.
Archives referred me to a site at 4crawler where the thread recommends taking the complete waterpump housing off getting at the upper two ac bracket bolts using an obstruction wrench for the left hand and a "s" wrench for the right.
My question: from those who have completed this repair,. is there a tool supplier that seems to work better that others ( better bend,. size, etc)
Also, Is there a source for pumps that works out better. Autozone has one with brass fins. I would normaly go to autohaus, though here i feel the need to match up parts and fit. 
I long to have my vw back. My back up is a gasser thats running rich, yuk!
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