[Vwdiesel] RE: TDI non-start followup

Arnie Grubbs vhuntertdi at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 22 17:19:20 EDT 2007

Hi Shalyn,

I don't know of anyone other than a dealer or ECU reprogrammer guy that
could check it out.  Sorry..  but if you are looking for a 'new' ECU..

I would first check to see if there are any ECU's at the local
wrecking yard. After that, try WWW.car-parts.com 

I don't recall what year your car is, but doing a search for a 2000
year jetta TDI I come up with about 86 ECUs listed at various yards
around the USA and Canada.  Prices range from around $75. up to $350.00.

I found 1 for my car in a wrecking yard about 2 blocks off a bike trail I use in Omaha
using the website. I was supprized I could find one so close!
I got it several years ago for $125.00. It's still running good!

Hope that helps in your search.

Arnie  in Nebraska.

Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2007 16:38:26 -0500
From: "S. Shourds" <sshourds at flash.net>
Subject: [Vwdiesel] TDI non-start followup
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Message-ID: <462A8452.7040607 at flash.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

OK.  We went through the system and determined that there's no power to 
the fuel selenoid.  There's still no check engine or glow plug lights on 
start-up either which indicates a failure somewhere in the ECM system.  
I checked the  grounds which were all good.  I checked what I think is 
the power supply lead to the ECM and found 12V.  The common failures 
I've read about involve the 109 relay or the ignition switch, but having 
power to the ECM would seem to preclude those options.  My current guess 
is that the ECM is hosed. 

Anyone know someone capable of testing VW ECMs as a stand-alone unit?  
Barring that, anyone know a cheap source of ECMs?


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