[Vwdiesel] Strut bearing R&R

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Wed Apr 25 14:01:39 EDT 2007

The starting point for alignments, at least when I do them, is 
zero camber, and zero toe-in.  Use your framing square and level.
You can buy a trackguage, which is a spring loaded tube, with points
to stick on the tire/rim, and chains to guage the height from the 
surface.  There's also a pointer to read the toe-in displacement.

You may need a calculator to figure out angles.

Generally, the car should ride OK, and steer OK,a nd have minimal
wear with a neutral camber/toe set.  After getting that established,
I then crank in the camber desired, and then reset the toe.  Add or
subtract toe symmetrically, so that the steering wheel remains centered.

70s through early 90's VWs have a reasonable caster.  The TDI models 
have more caster, to make them "responsive", which also means they
feel unstable.


> Sandy,
> Could you possibly help us out with your hillbilly alignment?
> I set the toe-in on my '91 Jetta, (with a long piece of string..) and its
> 'better', but the front tires are still wearing on the outside edges, and
> it pulls to the right.
> I just had the thought to check the camber with a framing square, and seem
> to have (quite a) few degrees of positive camber on both sides, with the
> left side being worse..
> I haven't done the calculations to measure it, but I'm thinking quite a few
> degrees out of spec.
> What are the correct specs for alignment, and how did you align yours?
> Best regards,
> Mark
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>              04/25/2007 12:00          Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 42, Issue 25   
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> Se
>    1. Re: Strut bearing R&R (Sandy Cameron)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:09:51 -0400
> From: Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net>
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Strut bearing R&R
> To: vwdiesel at audifans.com
> Message-ID: < at pop3.compmore.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> A few years ago, (4 or 5) I had alignment issues with goldie, even after it
> came back from the "alignment Doctors".
> Snce this car has never been "bent", One could accept that caster has never
> changed, and only toe and camber needed a tweak.
> I found some good info on front end alignment on the web and applied it in
> small increments, and the result is better than any shop job I ever had.
> Long tire life and perfect handling. An ancient diesel jetta that
> driveslike
> a ferrari
> Good matched tires help a lot too.
> Always check ball  joints before diddlng anything else.
> Often replacing them will cure deteriorating alignment.
> Use the suggested white paint trick to re-locate the new one, or better,
> make a precicsion measurement from the knuckle to a mark onthe wishbone.
> I dont trust the outline of the ball joint casting for locating, I would
> make the measurement from the center of one of the 3 mounting bolts to a
> mark on the wishbone.
> This may not get you to zero if the old joint was badly worn to begin with,
> but will get you back in the ball park.
> I will try to find the info and post it here.
> Hillbilly tuning?  ( Echos of the past )
> Sandy
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