[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 42, Issue 27 (fwd)

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Fri Apr 27 11:31:31 EDT 2007

That could be.  The way I've heard it described is that the lighter
vis keeps a more turbulent flow in the boundry between the rings
and lands.  Loren, you're suggesting that it could be a more chemical
than physical effect.  I don't know but I could be convinced either 
way.  Hence the interest in peer reviewed articles.


> In a message dated 4/27/2007 3:49:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> val at mongo.mongobird.com writes:
> > Higher vis oil, combined with leaky rings, can aggrivate carbon
> > buildup in the ring area.  This have the effect of increasing the
> > leakage, by making the ring "sticky" in the groove.  A lighter oil
> > may reduce the effect.  This is counter general wisdom, which has
> > always been, higher viscosity oils in older engines.
> > 
> > 
>   What I've noticed didn't have so much to do with the viscosity 
> of the oil but its tendancy to carbon up or "amber."  Oils that 
> leave more residue in the engine will carbon up the rings more 
> in an oil burning engine, and make it burn even more.  An oil that 
> disperses carbon better can actually clean out that carbon 
> making for LESS oil consumption.  :-)
>      Loren
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