[Vwdiesel] Strut Bearing R&T, the saga continues

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 28 11:45:51 EDT 2007

Okay, glad to know that the movement is normal.

Yes, the car was aligned after the new tie rods were
installed.  I have a friend who works at a body shop
in town, so he and I used the machine there to do it.

This was only a couple months before the funky driving

I did notice today that the front tires which are also
very new are starting to wear more on the oustide edge
than the inside edge.


--- Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>

> > Second, if the strut is uninstalled, should there
> be
> > any wiggle ability in the bearing?  Like if I grab
> the
> > two studs that bolt to the fender should it
> wiggle?
> >
> > The reason I ask about that is that it did once I
> got
> > it all put together.  The thing that makes me
> wonder
> > is that I have a whole strut assy sitting outside
> that
> > I took off the car because of a bad shock.  It
> didn't
> > drive side to side before, but the bearing does
> have
> > some wiggle.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > David
> David, the movement is normal. Once it is installed,
> that is very neglible. 
> That movement allows for the angle of the strut, and
> the corresponding 
> movement throughout the suspension range.
> As for the pulling, has the car been aligned? If so,
> when and how?
> Tony Hoffman 

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