[Vwdiesel] front wheel bearings

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Sat Apr 14 12:45:46 EDT 2007

Last summer I thought I had two bad bearings in my 91.  It turned out 
that I had loosened the BIG NUT on the CV joints, about 1/4 turn.
I now remember doing that one day, in anticipation of some other 
chore.  But at the time I noticed a sloppiness in the front end,
and decided I should get bearings.  At 220k, time was about right.

I bought mine from one of the outfits on the web, that I have had
generally good experiences at (autohausaz).  I think it cost $25 for
the "kit" and $17 for just the bearing.  I have enough spare parts 
around so I figured I could save a couple of bucks by buying only
one "kit".

In the past, buying locally, I've generally paid about 30% more, plus
the hassle and time of getting there, finding the right one, and possibly
ordering it and returning the next day.  Slowly, I'm converting to 
mail order car parts.  

The local bearing house is OK, but several years ago, I had them get
a FWB for a VW, and it was $33 by the we were done.  And that was a 
bearing only, not the "kit".

Now I have two bearings sitting on the extension for my table saw.  As 
long as I remember where they are, I will not have any problems with the
bearings on the 91.  Cheap insurance.  grin   -Val

> Terry Briggs wrote:
> > Will napa know what that is, or is it just a dealer only part.
> >   
> I was able to get my bearings at a local import car parts place, told 
> them the year and model and they pulled out the bearings I needed and 
> put them on the counter.
> -- 
>   Roger

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