[Vwdiesel] Expansion tank swap is done, here is my story for Harry and others.

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 2 14:41:59 EDT 2007

OK, I am back on the road again, using the 84-85
gasser expansion tank.  For once I made use of some
coolant hoses that have been in a box for many years
in the basement from various VW's I have stripped over
the years.
This was from Jim Arnott on the Yahoo diesel list.
(Walks out to shop with calipers...)
1" x 3/4" and 1 1/4" x 3/4". You'll need a couple 2"
long pieces of 1 1/4" and 1" hose and a handful of
appropriately sized worm drive clamps.

Here is what I did.
So, you have 2 hoses going to old tank, both 3/4"
diameter hose.

The new tank has a big top hose, 1 1/4" in dia.
I used a 1" dia. regular grey sprinkler system hose
connector with barbs to connect these.  I was able to
stretch my 3/4" original hose over the 1" barb and get
it on enough to clamp good.  I then found a stock
piece of 1 1/4" coolant hose from another car and cut
a short piece of this. 4" maybe.  I then found a 1"
dia. piece of coolant hose and cut 1" off of this to
use as a step down collar.  I put the 1" piece of hose
on my 1" barb connector, then the 1 1/4" inch piece on
the 1" hose collar and a clamp.  It fit perfect. 
If I can find a 3/4" to 1" connector I will replace
this as I don't like stretching my 3/4" hose to 1".

Bottom hole is 1" to you need to get down to 3/4"
Used 3/4" sprinkler system connector on this.
I found a 1" step down piece of hose that went down to
1/2", so I cut it on the way down at about the 3/4"
dia. spot and stuck my connector barb in there and
clamped.  This connected to my 3/4" original hose was
perfect, done.

I mounted it to the battery wall with big zip ties for
now but I need to get the bracket from a gas vanagon
or the bracket from my 92 Eco Diesel will work to
mount 2 of the 3 mount points.  So, any Jetta bracket
that holds the expansion tank will work, 86-92 I bet. 
That will be easy to find.

The tank I got was from Bus Depot, 3 day UPS ground
 shipping from PA to me comes overnight.  :)
025121403A, 4/83-85 Gas Engine, 1/84-84 Diesel
It has the cap but you need the tank level sensor.  I
happen to have one from another expansion tank from an
83 TD Rabbit.

Bryan Belman, Pt Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp   -- running :)
82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA               -- running :)
92 Jetta Eco-Turbo Diesel           -- not running yet <:>
90 Audi 200, 2.2L Turbo FWD         -- runs some times, need to sell :(
70 Type 1 stock Beetle              -- Not running well :(

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