[Vwdiesel] Head Cracked between valves...Seeking Advice

Doyt W. Echelberger doyt at buckeye-express.com
Thu Aug 9 08:16:26 EDT 2007

I took my  85 Jetta TD (which I have owned for 17 years) to the shop 
yesterday because oil was appearing in the coolant. My mechanic took the 
head off and found deep cracks between each intake and exhaust valve. 
Purpose of this email is to verify first that this is serious and fatal, 
and that the only solution is to replace the head.

Any input/BTDT is welcome. The car is sitting in the shop with the head 
off. Mechanic sees it as fatal flaw and suggested I publish this email and 
ask for responses from the deeply experienced diesel community. Over the 
years, he and I have benefited greatly each time we asked for advice. He 
works on TD Benz's and Ferraris and Rolls Royces and Porches and MG's etc, 
but I'm the only TD Jetta in his flock. He has the best reputation for 50 
miles in every direction, and he takes care of all the exotics in our 
area....but nobody knows diesels like you people.

Assuming the head is toast.....It is a rare-bird TD, so can I use a head 
from a NA 1.5? The head from a 1.6?  1.9?   No telling what will be 
available when I start looking, so I want to narrow the suitability 
field.  My mechanic has a complete 4 cyl NA diesel engine from an 
early-80's Audi sitting on his shop floor. I'll get the engine number and 
specifics. It came from a in-line power train rather than the side-to-side 
mounting in my Jetta. Would the in-line engine rotate in the same direction?

Waiting for the wisdom of experience...................

Doyt Echelberger
Ohio, USA

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