[Vwdiesel] Head Cracked between valves...Seeking Advice

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Thu Aug 9 21:28:30 EDT 2007

Typical cracks I've seen are about 0.008", across the intravalve land.
About the worst I have seen in 0.020".  Never, ever, with about 50 vw
diesel heads in my experience, seen a seat drop out.  The seat would 
prevent the valve from closing, and bury the valve in the piston.

I have a couple of pistons from cog belt breakages from various cars.
I've never had a belt break on me, but have had the sprocket pulley
slip, on one I never broke apart...years after the factory assembled 

Around here, pressure testing ranges from $30 to $60.  Mostly setup time 
for the jig that seals the various ports.  You'll know if 
you have internal leakage, and you'll also know if you have 
leakage at the valve seat / intra seat land.

Good luck.


> Ok, that's considerable experience talking....so far it has been Val, 
> Kneale, Mark, Brian, and Mike.
> Val sez "pressure test it." Mechanic agrees this is a good idea and is 
> talking to a machine shop that might be able to do this. This may be the 
> bottom line on the whole issue. Thanks Val, that is a major guideline.

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