[Vwdiesel] Dead Petrol

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Mon Aug 13 01:10:58 EDT 2007

I can't speak of the UK but I am a car collector in Calif. & have had cars run on over 3 year old gas. Amsoil, www.amsoil.com  makes a product called gasoline stabilizer & there is another  product  called Stabul (spelling could be wrong). With both products you can add in the prescribed amounts to keep your gas usable for several years. When the tank on my 1965 Olds became low I refilled it & found I hadn't filled it for 3 years. It still ran fine but I had put fuel stabilizer in the tank knowing I wouldn't drive it much. If I was you, I would drain the gas, if your gasser won't run on it & use about 3/4ths fresh gas or more & use up your stale gas that way. I have a Model A Ford & when necessary, mix stale with good gas & run it. I wouldn't run it in your diesel with an oil mixture unless you know somebody who has successfully done this in the past.

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