[Vwdiesel] need oil return line for turbo-85 Jetta TD

Doyt W. Echelberger doyt at buckeye-express.com
Wed Aug 15 09:33:52 EDT 2007

At 07:56 AM 8/15/2007, you wrote:

>The part number referenced in an earlier post is available from
>www.1stvwparts.com (Auburn, WA VW) for $150ish.
>The lubrication system isn't where I would cut corners.  If you are worried
>about it... It's a lot cheaper to replace than the turbo or the engine.
>Just my $.02
WOW!  David.....What a remarkable job of research.  The 'Holy Grail', right 
there in the catalog. And only about $150.

I'd  have considered that part in the repair, but the fixed line is back on 
the turbo, and the turbo/head back on the block. The engine is  together 
and the head bolts are already stretched, and we are ready to fire it up today.

Your info is a valuable resource for_ anyone _needing that repair. I hope 
for two things.....that all the 1.6 TD drivers archive your post,  and that 
my epoxy repair lasts as long as I own the 22 year old oil burner.

Doyt Echelberger
1985 Jetta TD 

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