[Vwdiesel] Electrical Weirdness

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 16 10:11:19 EDT 2007

Hello all-

Forgive me, I'm actually working on the boat this time
but I figure I've got the best chance for help with
you guys.

Last week we had it out and there was a short with the
trim pump.  This killed the battery in short order.

Today I'm trying to find where the short or problem
might be.  

Do I remember correctly that one way to determine if
there is a power draw somewhere is to connect a test
light between the battery and a cable?  If the light
lights, then there is a draw, and if it doesn't there
is no draw?

Is there any good test I can do to determine if the
short is actually in the pump, it's solenoid, or the
wiring?  I know that last week there was something up
with the pump because it wouldn't quit running.



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