[Vwdiesel] Fuel Additive

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Tue Aug 21 01:00:38 EDT 2007

The additive probably won't hurt but I would like to see some independent testing to see to what extent it would help. Amsoil also has a fuel additive for diesels called "Diesel Fuel Modifier" which I have used. I suspect the base of these additives is biodiesel which provides a lubricity to replace the removal of sulfur from our diesel fuel.  This maybe why I have not had any injector or injection problems with my diesels despite the complaints that came when Calif. required low sulfur diesel before the federal requirement for ULSD diesel. I also add a few drops of Biobar JH biocide to the Amsoil's  "Diesel Fuel Modifier" because I found out Amsoil does not add a biocide to their diesel additive. I had trouble with algae growth back in 1979 or '80 with my first Rabbit diesel. Since using a biocide after that experience, I have not had any algae problems, but have owned several diesels since. I was told that algae will grow in diesel fuel above 93 degrees F if there is any water present in the tank.

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