[Vwdiesel] No diesel - melted cat!

jonathan hoehl jjhoehl at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 23 12:08:44 EDT 2007

Wanted to post this here because I've always seen great ideas - 1993 VR6 
Passat catalytic converter insides melted together, so no flow.  Cut a hole 
in the backside just before running torch out of oxygen.  Drilled three 
3/8ths all the way thru ceramic so there's some flow.  Best we could do - 
smoked the drill.  Tried electric hammer drill with steel bar (I know, bad 
on the head pipe) but that didn't do anything.  Drove car hard (very loud! 
sorry neighbors) and sprayed the garden hose inside the hole in cat - didn't 
seem to help break-things-up any...

Any Great Ideas?


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