[Vwdiesel] Rabbit Brake Master Cylinder
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Aug 27 03:23:32 EDT 2007
You would be looking for a valve stem for an industrial tubless tire, or
a tubeless truck rim. Normal tubeless tires have valve stems that just
pull in to be installed, sort of a grommet affair. These install by
inserting from the tire side of the rim, and threading a nut down the
valve stem that protrudes through the rim, smooshing it together and
sealing the air in, and being more resisitant to getting torn off is you
get stuck.
David Cook wrote:
> I'm not sure what is used for a child's cycle tube.
> At the local FLAPS, they had a replacement tire valve
> stem that instead of being held to the rim by the
> rubber on both sides, the outside half has threads and
> a nut which compress the inside (of the rim) part of
> the valve stem to the inside of the rim.
> David
> --- The President <quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> "used a tire wheel stem. One that had a nut to
>> squeeze the inside rubber against the rim."
>> David that's a goliath of a tip :o)
>> So you mean one of a child's cycle tube for
>> instance...
>> Mark
>>> From: David Cook <vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com>
>>> To: Dave Heart <teacher525 at hotmail.com>, diesel
>> list <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit Brake Master
>> Cylinder
>>> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 11:41:57 -0700 (PDT)
>>> Yeah, you'll need to bleed at each wheel. Start
>> from
>>> the furthest from the MC and work to closest. So,
>>> rear pass, rear driver front pass, front driver.
>>> Making or buying a pressure bleeder is so
>> incredibly
>>> handy, you wouldn't believe. I was working on a
>>> beetle's brakes and we were doing it the old
>> fashioned
>>> way. After nearly no luck getting the air out, I
>> used
>>> an old brake fluid cap to make an adapter for the
>>> beetle's reservoir and hook the bleeder up to that.
>>> Getting the air out after that was almost magical.
>>> To make the adapter, I just drilled a hole in the
>> cap
>>> and used a tire wheel stem. One that had a nut to
>>> squeeze the inside rubber against the rim. Just
>>> installed the wheel stem on the cap similar to how
>> it
>>> would be installed on the wheel and hooked up the
>> hose
>>> with a clamp.
>>> Oh, you will need to remove the valve core from the
>>> stem.
>>> I found that to be easier than finding the parts
>> that
>>> are recommended on the build your own bleeder
>> sites.
>>> David
>>> --- Dave Heart <teacher525 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks David. Good idea. When bleeding this way
>> need
>>>> to do at each wheel? Any sequence?
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