[Vwdiesel] dead Rabbit

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Tue Dec 11 11:31:15 PST 2007

OK, troubleshooting help please:

Rabbit won't start

- have fuel (at least on the gauge)

- have good hot battery (AAA just tested it - red-top Optima w/ 13.5  

- have not checked the cut-out switch on top of the IP
(don't have my tester w/ me - stuck at a friend's house)


* key won't turn her over
* hot-wiring from battery to starter solenoid won't turn her over
* tried backing down the hill and pop-starting her in reverse - no dice
* got pulled up the hill in 4th by AAA guy - no dice


I know I need to make sure I have fuel and 12v at the solenoid
but w/ no tools and can't test/check much

I'm starting to suspect something worse -

- been running hot since I bought her last month
cracked coolant reservoir was leaking coolant
replaced it last week
coolant filled to MIN - did not have enough to top up fully b/c crazy  
w/ family/work stuff and just did not get to a store
but been running hot still - assumed that was the low coolant

- starter having hard time last 2 days turning engine over
thought that was battery running down and actually put extra batt in  
car for when that batt died

- starting yesterday even more sluggish - like trying to stir a big  
spoon in a cauldron of taffy - errr-rrruhhh errr-rruhhhhh
but it would give a few slow cranks and then fire
thought that was the last few electrons in the battery

then last night tried to start and nothing
puff of smoke from under the hood

starter solenoid?

NOW I am starting to think engine itself is somehow seized or damaged
that would account for slow cranking, killing the starter solenoid,  
not popping in reverse (when I rolled down the hill backwards and  
released clutch wheels just froze up), not popping in 4th gear w/  
pull-tow (engine was turning over, but resisting), hot running...

any thoughts? any guesses?
did not need this right now


Rolf in MA

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