[Vwdiesel] coolant questions

Stephen Kraus ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 06:25:43 PST 2007

Wouldn't that be apparent though? A leaking head gasket would have coolant
seeping out of it wouldn't it? Not to say that you are wrong, I just want to
know so I know what I am looking at if this ever happens to me.

It wouldn't hurt to check the thermostat wouldn't it?

On Dec 18, 2007 9:22 AM, Val Christian <val at mongo.mongobird.com> wrote:

> Your head gasket may be leaking under high pressure, probably with the
> engine cold at startup.  As the engine heats up, the leaking may reduce.
> The system stays pressurized at the cap pressure, and may depressurize
> as it cools, when the gas is mostly watervapor.  When it's exhaust
> gases, it doesn't shrink as much when it cools.  Also pockets
> of gas in the engine will push the coolant out.
> You might do an experimental run with the pressure cap off, and keep
> adding fluid (i'd dilute to something like 30/70h2o, to save money)
> and see what happens as you idle and lightly run the engine.
> I'm thinking you're right...head gasket.  Over the years Ive seen dozens
> of hg fail on VW, and yours is behaving that way.
> Having said all that, you want to make sure that you don't have air in the
> system, and that you are not getting hot spots, and that the cooling
> system
> gets every chance to work properly.  Run it unpressurized, and top it off,
> and then see what happens.  Meanwhile, I'd plan the HG replacement.
> It's not too bad of a job, but you will probably want to have the head
> serviced while it's of.  With no complications, and not counting time
> going to the machine shop for the head, I figure about 4 to 5 hours
> for the job.  First time doing it, and I'd budget 15 or 20.  Perhaps
> others can chime in with their experience.
> Good luck.
> ps: Forget the headgasket in a bottle repairs.  Gassers may have a 8:1
> vs a 22.5:1 compression ratio.
> pps: Before you pull your head, if you do, please do a compression check
> on a reasonably warm (100F??) engine.  Then you have a baseline.
> >
> > I had a high temp indication and found the reservoir empty. I filled it
> and
> > still had a high temp indication. When I checked the reservoir it was
> under
> > pressure after sitting all night and blew coolant all over the ground
> when I
> > took off the cap. I siphoned off some coolant to get the level below the
> > return line from the radiator. It was real cold the next night and the
> gage
> > said it was running hot again. When I checked he coolant, it was gone
> from
> > the reservoir.
> >
> > I filled it again and started it and there is not immediate pressure,
> like
> > I'd expect from a blown head gasket. It this how a dead thermostat
> works?
> >
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Stephen T. Kraus Jr.
Home: (423)NONE
UB3RATL4Sf00 at gmail.com;

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