[Vwdiesel] *more 81 Rabbit adventures*

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Dec 18 19:21:59 PST 2007

In a message dated 12/18/2007 2:28:58 PM Pacific Standard Time, rbp at 4u2bu.org 

> no visible bubbles in the coolant at all, but steady streams  
> interrupted by air (is this what you meant by 'bubbles', Loren?)

  Yup.  Bubbles would come out as gaps in the flow.  You 
won't get any bubbles up from the bottom or such.
  How does the heater temp compare to the gauge?  If 
it's truely in or near the red, you won't be able to hold 
your hand in the airflow.  Did you get a thermometer and 
check the actual temperature?  Could be just the gauge 
you know.  
  If it really is running too hot first see if the heater will 
hold the heat down.  Also see if you still get good heat on 
the higher fan settings.  If it cools down on the higher 
speeds it tells you some.  If it won't cool down the engine 
it also tells you some. 
  Problem is, it only tells you that it's temperature exchange.  
That could be from a crudded up cooling system and/or a 
bad impeller on the water pump.  Flow in that return hose 
should give you a clue if it's flow though.
  You'll find it.  :-)

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