[Vwdiesel] '81 Rabbit overheating

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Thu Dec 20 12:05:23 PST 2007

> I thought I would wait to see if someone else would comment, but  
> water boils at 212 F (100 C) at sea level. It boils at a lower  
> temperature as altitude increases & air pressure decreases. As  
> pressure increases, the boiling temperature increases. This is why  
> modern cars use pressure radiator caps to increase normal operating  
> temperature. This is why modern cars often use 14 pound pressure  
> caps. Then the operating temperature can run much higher. This is  
> why some temperature gages go up to 265 degrees F. There is a  
> formula to figure how much the boiling point rises or lowers with a  
> change in pressure, but I forget what it is.

yeah, but my system for whatever reason is not pressurizing
hence my concern about approaching 200+°f

Rolf in MA

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