[Vwdiesel] 81 Rabbit - rear wheel bearings

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Sun Dec 23 17:48:10 PST 2007

hey all
so my son and I tightened up the rear bearings this weekend
(they were both loose - although this did not entirely cure the clunk  
(I think still something needs attention in front pass side susp), OR  
remove all the play in the bearing
BTW, they say in Haynes no tighter than you can move the washer with  
the tip of a screwdriver - although I found that *slightly* tighter  
did remover the play in the wheel - I am assuming this will wear the  
bearings more quickly, but since I plan to replace the bearing in the  
next week or so, will this really be a problem?

also: although we replaced both caps carefully and seated them fully,  
we somehow managed to lose one in the snow and salt and sand and  
potholes up in ski country
anyone have a spare?
or know where we can order them?
and what we might use to protect the bearing in the meantime??


Rolf inMA

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